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                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                December 5th, 2024




Start: 6:30 PM End: 7:40 PM
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 24 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 6:30pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Scott Carter
Invocation led by Scott Carter



Approval of November minutes- Motion: Mike, Second: Butch, All in favo

Approval of November Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Butch, Second: Kathy, All in favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

No Report


Old Business:

New ideas for which direction to take the club are up for discussion.



We are in need of a new membership director, anyone interested in this position please contact Scott Carter, President of Family Beekeepers of Illinois



Family Beekeepers of Illinois Christmas Party


Motion to Adjourn: Dave, Second: Glenda, All in Favor

Adjourn: @ 7:40pm


Respectfully submitted,

Patty Altman – FBI Secretary

Dec2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                November 7th, 2024




Start: 7:02 PM End: 8:30 PM
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 17 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:02pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Scott Carter
Invocation led by Wayne Beck



Approval of October minutes- Motion: Dean, Second: Scott, All in favor

Approval of September Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Jeremy, Second: Butch, All in favor

Approval of October Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Roger, Second: Patty, All in favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

Report was printed up and handed out at meeting.


Old Business:

Roger took inventory of our storage garage

Dues are still due



Things for the FBI to do going forward as a club.

Christmas party to be catered: Motion: Dean, Second: Jeremy, All in favor



Guest Speakers: Certified Master Bee Keeper, Jan Sueme with St Louis Bee Rearing Grant Program


Patty, Second: Roger, All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:30pm


Respectfully submitted,

Patty Altman – FBI Secretary

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                October 3rd, 2024




Start: 7:02pm End: 8:35pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 12 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:02pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Scott Carter
Invocation led by Scott Carter



Approval of September minutes- Motion: Roger, Second: Dave, All in favor

Approval of September Treasurer’s Report: Motion to table it till next meeting, Wayne: after Roger expressed a need for clarification, Second: Dean, All in favor r


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

Report was emailed


Old Business:

Not enough volunteers came forward for a booth at chili fest. Motion to decline: Ken Second: Roger, All in favor



Suggestions on club Christmas party were mentioned, no decisions were made.



Guest Speakers: Kevin Shade, Dusty Ponce, Dustin Cruit all from the USDA Dept of Ag, spoke on disaster assistance insurance.

Scott spoke on preparing sugar boards for winter feeding.


Dean, Second: Jeremy, All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:35pm


Respectfully submitted,

Patty Altman – FBI Secretary

Oct2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                September 5, 2024




Start: 7:03pm End: 8:55pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 20 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:03pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Dean Beck
Invocation led by Scott Carter



Approval of August Minutes- Motion: Roger, Second: Wayne, All in Favor

Approval of August Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Roger, Second: Wayne, All in Favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

Report was emailed


Old Business:

Illinois State Fair: Aug. 12-18: 120 hours were volunteered by members

Chilifest: Oct 5th & 6th



Dues are being collected



Guest Speaker: Rena Jones


Motion to Adjourn: Ken, Second: Tiffany, All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:55pm


Respectfully submitted,

Patty Altman – FBI Secretary

New Sept2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                August 1, 2024




Start: 7:06pm End: 8:38pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 15 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:06pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Kurt Logden
Prayer led by Scott Carter



Approval of July Minutes- Motion: Dean, Second: Gary, All in Favor

Approval of July Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Lisa, Second: Dean, All in Favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

Report attached


Old Business:

Illinois State Fair: Aug. 12-18

– Volunteers still needed!

– See sign up sheet and contact Wayne if able to help.


Chili Fest- Oct. 5-6

– Will need volunteers!


Constitution & Bylaws:

– Discussion

– No new amendments at this time.



2024-2025 FBI Officer Elections:

– President: 1 candidate nominated/volunteered-Scott Carter, Unanimous vote YES, all in favor,
Election passed and closed.

– Vice President: 1 candidate nominated/volunteered- Rodger Shewmaker Unanimous vote YES,
all in favor of nomination, but will officially vote in the September meeting due to Rodger not
being present.

– Secretary:1 candidate nominated/volunteered-Patty Altman, Unanimous vote YES, all in favor,
Election passed and closed.

– Treasurer: 1 candidate nominated/volunteered- Tiffany McJilton, Unanimous vote YES, all in
favor, Election passed and closed



General Q&A of current status of member’s hives


Motion to Adjourn: Lisa Second: Dean All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:38pm


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa A. Agney- FBI Secretary

MAug2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                June 6th, 2024




Start: 7:00pm End: 8:35pm

University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office

Approximately 17 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance led by Kurt Logden

Prayer led by Wayne Beck



Approval of May Minutes- Motion: Dean, Second: Lisa, All in Favor

Approval of May Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Lisa, Second: Dean, All in Favor

Educational Outreach Report: Wayne,/p>

Nat’l. Honey Board Literature

Upcoming presentations this summer

Old Business:

Illinois State Fair: Aug. 12-18

  • -Presentations at 12 & 4:30pm Daily (Subject to change)
  • -Volunteers are needed!

Mentoring on Wheels

  • -Keep any eye out for the next date


Honey production, sales and Q&A


Motion to Adjourn: Lisa, Second: Dean, All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:35pm


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa A. Agney- FBI Secretary

June2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                May 2nd, 2024




Start: 7:00pm End: 8:30pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 15 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:00pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Kurt Logden
Prayer led by Gary Parker



Approval of April Minutes- Motion: Dean, Second: Gary, All in Favor

Approval of April Treasurer’s Report: Motion: Dean, Second: Gary, All in Favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

Nat’l. Honey Board Literature

Scout Camp Negotiations for Presentations


Old Business:

Illinois State Fair: Aug. 12-18

– Presentations at 12 & 4:30pm Daily (Subject to change)


Mentoring on Wheels

– 9 attended with favorable impressions!

– Next meeting for this is May 18



Hive updates, Hopkins method.


Motion to Adjourn: Nate, Second: Mike, All in Favor

Adjourn @ 8:30pm


Respectfully recorded by Gary Parker

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa A. Agney- FBI Secretary

May2024 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                March 7th, 2024




Start: 7:06pm End: 8:25pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
25 People in Attendance

Meeting Begins: 7:06pm


Pledge of Allegiance led by Kurt Logden
Prayer led by Scott Carter


Introductions of attendees

Approval of February Minutes:

Motion: Scott, Second: Patty, All in Favor

Approval of February Treasurer’s Report:

Motion: Kurt, Second: Lisa, All in Favor


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne

      Upcoming Events:

             – April- Piatt Co. Master Gardeners Assoc., Monticello
– April 15- Tayorville Jr. High- 165 kids, 7-8 sessions, all day! High- 165 kids, 7-8 sessions, all day!
– Need helpers!
– VisionWay Pre-K: TBD
– Scout Apiary- Doing well!
– If an observation hive is available, please let the club know!


Old Business:

– Bee Class was a success: Looking for feedback


New Business:

– Historical Society Earth Day-Activity, Motion: Lisa, Second: Dean, All in Favor


GUEST SPEAKER: Randy Washburn- Queen rearing and spring prep.


Adjourn at 8:25pm, Motion: Roger, Second: Kurt


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa A. Agney- FBI Secretary

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                               February 1st, 2024




Start: 7:00pm End: 8:00pm
University of Illinois- Christian County Extension Office
Approximately 20 People in Attendance
Keri Rahar substitute secretary for Lisa Agney


Meeting Begins:


Pledge of Allegiance led by Kurt Logden
Prayer led by Scott Carter


Old Business:

Approval of January Meeting Minutes- Motion: Roger, Second: Scott, All in Favor

Approval of January Treasurer Report- Motion: Wayne, Second: Kurt, All in Favor


– Beginner Beekeeping Class: Feb. 17 & 24: 8am-12pm


New Business:

– Club Order for Bee Packages: $145 Each, Feb. 17 deadline. Mail checks to PO BOX 173, or pay on club website.

– Chilifest: First weekend in October

– Put in vendor application and pay $60 vendor fee: Motion: Wayne, Second: Scott, All in favor


Member Introductions


John Hill Queen Supplements: Examples shown by Kurt


Educational Outreach Report: Wayne
Upcoming Events:
– Piatt Co. Master Gardeners Event- April
– Summer Boy scouts/Cub Scouts: 100 Kids expected
Past Events:
– Springfield Kiwanis Club: Jan. 31, Partial demo, kid oriented, Success!


Respectfully submitted,


Keri Rahar substitute Secretary for Lisa Agney

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                               July 6th, 2023




The monthly meeting of the Family Beekeepers of Illinois was held on July 6th at the Extension office in Taylorville. Twenty people were in attendance.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the club President Nate McGrath, the invocation was led by Scott Carter.


Wayne Beck asked club members to contact the National Honey Board to order free literature for the club to hand out at educational presentations. The shipping cost is $9.95 per bundle and they only allow one shipment per person per year.


Wayne reported that one educational presentation was done in June by Joyce and Mike Dullenty at the Morrisonville library.


A motion to approve the secretary’s report was made by Scott Carter and 2nd by Miranda Smith.


A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Butch Kaiser and 2nd by Carrie Burge.


Scott Carter reported on the class he presented on how to make comb honey. It does involve a lot of work, but Scott encouraged everyone to learn about the process and he reported he will be giving another presentation on the subject in the future. Larry Roth reported he has a opossum and a skunk messing.


Larry Roth reported he has a possum and a skunk messing with his bee hives and how he can tell the difference is by the damage caused to his bees. The possum will chew and chew the bees and then spit them out, never swallowing them. The skunk will gorge themselves on the bees because the bees are sweet, so you can look for their scat on the ground around the hive and that way you can determine which critter is messing with your hives.


Delaney Bertoldo was the recipient of the youth scholarship offered by Taylorville Kiwanis club. Delaney took the club’s beginning beekeeper’s class this spring and has a very healthy hive. She has been helping out in the schools with the educational presentations. She has a tremendous desire to learn more. This is perfect example of our club’s mission statement, to teach the public about the importance of bees. So it is important that we get out and encourage companies to fund these scholarships.


A motion to adjourn was made by Scott Carter and 2nd by Dean Beck.


Respectfully submitted,

Dean Beck, Acting Secretary

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                April 6th, 2023




The monthly meeting of the Family Beekeepers of Illinois was held on April 6th at the Extension office in Taylorville. Thirty six people were in attendance.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the club President Nate McGrath. The invocation was led by Scott Carter.


The Family Beekeepers of Illinois have been excited to welcome several new members to the club. The meeting opened with introduction of these new members as well as the existing members.


Larry Roth reported on the honey queen from APF. Larry was impressed with her presentation on the multiple uses of the hive tool and reported she will be coming to the state fair to possibly judge cooking classes.


Wayne Beck reported on educational presentation scheduled for May 9th at Taylorville Junior high school. They are expecting a couple hundred students to attend. Wayne also reported that the Boy Scout council display has been selling honey of which a portion of the profits goes back into the program. Morrisonville library has asked Mike & Joyce Dullenty to hold another educational presentation, but the date for that presentation was not confirmed.


Miranda Smith, treasurer for the FBI, updated the club on the treasurer’s report. Kurt Longden made a motion to pass, Patty Altman 2nd that motion.


Nate McGrath, president, reported that the youth scholarship program offered by the Kiwanis club is still available because no one applied last year.


Our thanks go out to Sheila Shartzer’s Mom for supplying the club with the chicken salad sandwiches and Patty Altman for the cookies made with honey.


MThanks also go out to Wayne & Dean Beck to for retrieving and distributing the bee packages from Wilbanks for the club.


Big thanks to our guest speaker Eleanor Schumacher, bee inspector for the southern region of the State, for her presentation on Spring Management. Thanks to Larry Roth, retired inspector , for assisting Eleanor with her presentation.


Motion to adjourn was made by Roger Shewmaker and 2nd by Scott Carter


Respectfully submitted,

Patty Altman, Secretary

April2023 Treasurers report

FBI Logo
                    Family Beekeepers of Illinois
                                January 5th, 2023




The monthly meeting of the Family Beekeepers of Illinois was held on January 5th at the Extension office in Taylorville. Twenty two members were in attendance.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the President of the club, Nate McGrath. The invocation was led by Bill Wilson.


A motion to approve the treasurer’s update was made by Roger Shewmaker and 2nd by Kurt Longden.


Wayne Beck reported on educational programs that are in the works, nothing has been confirmed yet. Wayne did report that an assisted living facility has expressed an interest in a beekeeping presentation, and perhaps the observation hive.


Miranda, the club Treasurer is working to finalize a bee package order from Wilbank’s and will be sending out an e-mail soon for those interested in purchasing bee packages for Spring.


Volunteers are needed to help instruct the beekeeping class that the club offers. The class has been scheduled for the first two Saturdays in March to be held at the Extension office in Taylorville.


Thanks go out to Scott & Kathy Carter for the beekeeper training book from the Ohio Beekeeping Association, they donated to the club.


Thanks to Scott also for the presentation on overwintering bees. The types of food to feed the bees for the varying temperatures and weather to wrap or not to wrap with insulation to protect from the cold.




Respectfully submitted,


Patty Altman, Secretary